Monday, November 05, 2007

Guy Fawkes Day

On the way home in the evening, I walked in a typical English street-- two floor houses line up at both sides. It was on Saturday night when Guy Fawkes Day was coming in 3 days. As a tradition, people set fireworks to 'remember' the 'fun' of it.

Blocked by the houses, I could not really see fireworks but hear them coming from every direction. The feeling was very nostalgic to me.

When I was an undergraduate in Taiwan, I used to see fireworks for the National Day and Chinese New Year with friends and family-- in a nice cool night, enjoy the colourful scenes and aural sensation. By making the sound 'Wah-Wah', people expressed their excitement and amazement.

Walking along in this dark English street, the aural experience triggered my visual and emotional memory of the events in Taiwan. I do miss them...

Tree leaves fell so much. 'sa sa sa sa sa...' Together, they played a tune with the heavy duty sounds of fireworks. Its a tune of English autumn.


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